An Interesting List of Development Stuff (September 2014)

Pardon the brevity of this month’s release, it’s been a month of deadlines, crazy news and all sorts of other things. Anyways, I hope that you find some of these links entertaining, useful or some balance of both and I’ll try to make October’s list a bit more complete than this one.

Lessons from a Lifetime of Being a Programmer

In this article, Andrew Wulf reflects on many of the things that he has learned throughout his career, most of which you would never be taught without experiencing first-hand. Depending on how long you have been writing software, some of these may be familiar and others you might not encounter for a while. Hopefully this can serve as a reasonable “beware the ides of March” so you can keep a look out.

Algorithms, Get Ya’ Algorithms Here!

Learneroo has managed to pack a huge amount of algorithmic-based knowledge into an easy to follow series of snippets and challenges to make learning them easier. The challenges gradually get progressively more complex as do the topics (from basic data structures to matrices, weighted graphs and pathing algorithms).

10 Articles Every Programmer Must Read

This excellent compilation of articles from the folks at JavaRevisited provides an overview of various topics and basically explains “What you need to know about _____ if you are a programmer”. Topics include Memory, Time, Unicode, URLs, SEO, Web Development, Networking, Strings, Security and more!

Getting Schooled by the Developers of the Future

In this Information Week article, it discusses the recent rise in some European nations of adopting and teaching coding practices throughout primary and secondary schooling and actually even creating entire “Coding Schools” to help mold the minds of the world’s future developers.

Debugging courses should be mandatory

This this article, Stanislav Nedelchev provides an overview of the importance of debugging and why it should be taught properly as a course. As developers, we use various approaches to debugging in our daily lives and if developers were introduced to these things early in their careers (or even in school / college), they might find it easier to resolve problems on their own without aimlessly “googling” around the net.

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